Sunday 6 December 2015


Hey you! Yeah, you! You know that cleanser you just bought that is supposedly sulphate, paraben, phthalate and who knows what else “free.” Do you even know why you would want your product “paraben free”? No need for panic my friend, there’s no need to fear parabens. Parabens are added to your cosmetic products, like your cleanser or lotion, to prevent the growth of yeasts, molds, and bacteria1. This makes them preservatives1! Which is a good thing, you don’t want little critters swimming around in your cleanser.

Parabens easily dissolve in water2 which is super important because water is almost always present in cosmetics, and you need your parabens to mingle with water in order for them to do their job. What’s that? You’re afraid of parabens mingling inside your body? Hear me out. Yes parabens can be absorbed by your skin2 but that shouldn’t worry you because your body breaks them down into different chemicals that you simply “excrete” out later3, you know what I mean. If you’re still worried then listen to this, parabens are made up of the same chemical that you find in many fruits and vegetables like blueberries and carrots3. This just means that once parabens enter your body they are quickly converted into the same chemical seen in fruits and vegetables.  

I know word on the block says that parabens are also bad because they can mess up your hormones but that’s not completely true. Yes parabens act like the hormone estrogen (at least in experiments done on rats2), but they aren’t as strong as the natural estrogen in our bodies, and the natural estrogens found in plants3. Oh yes and then there’s also that rumor going around that parabens cause cancer4. Well let me tell you something X cannot cause Y with 100% assurance. What this does mean is that the measurement of a compound in a sample requires further studies.

If I haven’t been able to rid you of your parabenoia then I’m not sure who can. But that’s your choice. If you are convinced that you don’t want to use parabens in your life here are some natural alternatives that act as preservatives: salt, clay and talc5. But just remember everything you use has chemicals and some are just misjudged.

Source: (accessed December 4th 2015)

    1.O’Connor S., Spunt A. (2010) No More Dirty Looks: The Truth about Your Beauty Products And the Ultimate Guide to Safe and Clean Cosmetics. Cambridge, Ma: Da Capo Press.
    2. Routledge, E. J., Parker, J., Odum, J., Ashby, J., & Sumpter, J. P. (1998). Some alkyl hydroxy benzoate preservatives (parabens) are estrogenic. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 153(1), 12–9.
    3. Methylparaben Information. Accessed November, 21 2015 from
    4. Darbre, P. D., Aljarrah, a., Miller, W. R., Coldham, N. G., Sauer, M. J., & Pope, G. S. (2004). Concentrations of Parabens in human breast tumours. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 24(1), 5–13.
    5. Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics. Ingredient: Methylparaben. Accessed November, 21 2015 from

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